Monday, October 12, 2009

House Hunting in Majuro has taken a new turn. Long story short, the local newpaper almost the size of the adit carried an ad for a 45FT skiff (that would be sail boat to you non ocean goers or high landers.) Mom's idea of a house boat is suddenly alive. Calling the boat owner has revealed what would be in the states a $100, 000. boat on sale for $25, 000 that is negotiable. A guy on a sailboat we met at the grocery store said to offer $10,000. It is complete with living quarters and facilities. Ahoy Captain Decker, Captain Dave, and Captain Porter. . . Captain Vince may be back in the water! It is a long shot, but we may actually look at it Wednesday.
Local brother told us, who knows everybody, the boat actually at one time sat at the bottom of the Lagoon! It was a brother who in diving located the boat and found it in mint condition for a sunk boat hoping to use it by raising it and preaching to the many atolls in the 70's. Although the boat was raised and rebuilt it was never used for the preaching work. It is somewhere in these pictures sitting in the lagoon. We will let you know!

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  1. Dave would not be able to conceal his jealousy.

  2. WOW!!! sounds like a dream. I hope it works. The bobcats lost badly to the loggers (Arizona) 10 to 23. It was homecoming this weekend and very cold.

  3. That sounds fantastic! Hope you get it. That would be some sweet service - reminds me of Kimmie and I's service on cross country skiis :)

    Are you watching the Broncos over there? Who knew?

    Love you both!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The Broncos? What about the Giants 44-7 routing of the Raiders?
