Thursday, October 22, 2009

Field service in "town"--Rita and Delop area.

1. This is a picture of main street (interatol route 66/highway 12 for helenans.) It seems as if ther is always a fair amount of traffic as pictured in town. Town I refer to is actually what they divide into 3 areas Rita, Delop and Rirak divided we do not know how. In this picture there are at least 3 taxis, signs on top as in states and one bus, a mini-mini van. They drive main street all day and night, rides are $1 per person,taxi 50.cents on bus. You can wave them down or if you just wait they slow down and give you a long stair, dont make eye contact . They will only go as far as the airport this covers about a 15 mile stretch of "town"--the airport costs more because it takes them to the limit of their route, past the air port is the more rural areas about 10-20 miles divided into Agiletalky (area of potential home rental) and Lauro (area of Kingdom Hall 2 not yet blogged). There is always people on the streets, many kids especially after school hours, even toddlers wander the edges of road. Fri-Sat night the streets are even more crowded many just sit and visit and watch taxis. Bball courts are mostly dirt style except at the college or "churches", also dirt yard volleyball courts always someone playing at night. Incidentally the youth are typically fit and lean looking--hmmm few computer gamers or tube watchers if any! Perhaps we have mentioned in past the mean age on Majuro(correctly pronounced maj'- oro, not as we thought ma'- jur-o) is only 20 years of age. Apparently with age many move away especially to "the big island" Hawaii. 2.Brother "Gayle", they use first names mostly even at the meetings we like Sister Lynn and Brother ince (no v in marshalleese even though they try I feel like "yes payback time for all my mispronounced marshalleese!")
3. Lynn is typing now! Field service in town. As you can see it is difficult to distinguished between homes. Many people live in the same home up to 10 to 15, aunts, uncles, etc. Finding RV's is interesting. (You thought Radarsburg was hard!) This is a Bible Study sitting on the floor with Mom and son. Husband not pictured. Notice little boy with donut and coffee in hand. Vince fit right in!
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  1. Thanks so much for all of the updates and pictures. It's so exciting to get new news most days. Miss you much.

  2. This is the first time that I have now got to see your blog. It is amazing to think you guys are really there! The brothers and sisters really have that loving spirit there! I am so glad that all is going well. Jehovah is really blessing you. Miss you!
