Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Grandma on the loose!

P1010334 Grandma! What are you doing? Can you imagine, we are only in about chest deep water here ( and this is high tide)which continues to be shallow until  the reef ends about 100yards or more from shore.  In previous blog of map, the reef was outlined if you could see it. This is prime snorkeling we are told we have not decided if we should buy local (poor quality) or look via  the states. Behind the good looking grandma the airport is at the furthest point pictured. A future blog will deal with the airport.

P1010332 Can you see our house? It is the one behind the coconut tree! Dead center. Notice high tide and no beach.

IMG_0641 Hey KENNEDY  this snail is sticking his tongue out at you! Do not worry we ate him along with about 20 of his friends. Some friends caught them in the lagoon by our house while snorkeling. Chewey but good.


  1. I hope Cody sees the size of the snails you have in your salt water tank! That thing is too hideous to eat...but anyone who would eat the guts of a lobster probably didn't have any trouble eating this nasty thing! I'm printing out your blogs and putting them in my car for service. Everyone is happy to keep up with you rlives. Wish we could come stay at Barrett's Place. Bye...

  2. It's currently 4 degrees and expected to get much colder. Life in Majuro is looking better and better.

  3. Ooohhh....I don't want to eat that snail.

  4. When I showed Kennedy she said-Eww! That is so gross!

  5. Heh, you guys are awesome, glad you are doing this, wish I could do the same. Not sure I'd want to live so close to the ocean though, I'm a land lover and fresh water! I love reading your blog so keep it up, I'm living my life vicariously through you Lynn. Two more years of work and the systems still going I'm outta here, no more ice and snow for this girl. Take care and keep the pix's coming!
