1.This bridge the locals call the highest point in Majuro which since it is manmade it must have gotten the title years ago when built to connect two atols to complete Majuros’ 30mile stretch. It is at about the 10 mile location. There are now several buildings higher and the paper said the garbage pile at the dump is now the highest point---yuk! Small boats pass here to easy access from the lagoon to the ocean also a fun jump off spot “York bridge style”.
2. Incoming! Catch that coconut dont duck!
3. Samson brings down our house! Crystal, actually introduced earlier, poses with the Philistines for a cameo to send to mom in Phillipines .
4.Depending on the meeting and if Brother Andy’s bus is full we may have o to 6 passengers to pick up for meeting, if we have’nt mentioned it is almost a 30 min 15mi drive; watch for coconuts, the tuna can can only clear little ones, pot holes about every mile (flat tires at 4) people stroll (“jambo”) on the road, dogs hide for a short chase, chickens run stop turn around run some more . This meeting night was interesting. Just after opening song lights go out. Power outages quite common on comes a flashlight a few brothers familiar to the drill get the inverter from the magazine counter plug into the power box , start up the other brothers car , hook onto car battery turn off all fans (ooooo not good) turn on one stage light, and all three meetings complete to the finish without a hitch, the car never stalled or ran out of gas. Oh and after the last song ,without music ,on comes the power. Another meeting in Majuro.
It looks like a really fun adventure. You all look so happy. We're looking forward to seeing you soon in person though.