Sunday, January 24, 2010


P1010452NUNBER 1: YOUR WIFE NO LONGER HAS THE BEST TAN IN THE CONGREGATION!!!                     P1010432 LYNN WITH SISTER BEGO ONE OF THE TRANSLATORS SHE DID THE WATCHTOWER FOR VINCE AT THE S.A.D.P1010449 COME TO MAJURO WE NEED BROTHERS! The old guy is Doug a need greater from Ca.. To find out the sisters names you will just have to come brothers.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Number 4…

P1010416 4.You are standing in a “slash pile” that looks like this.                                 P1010434 3. It is January 20. It is raining, time to  wash the tuna can and you would not think of running a hose from the green water catch in the background. It is for toilets and kitchens and has been known to run dry. It is also our neighbors! OH yea , you also forget a coat which you do not own anyway.       P1010446

NUMBER 2 This is not an old guy from Montana but a Marshallese Warrior wantabe  holding Majuro standard household items, 1. a can of good old USA “Raid” for killing roaches proven to stop even the 3 inch kind, however some termites have been witnessed to spit out the raid and have been heard to say “Oh yea Americano is that the best you got!” 2. High in the left throwing hand is a rat killing spear! As of yet however this is yet to be proven effective. We do keep the “spear” by or bedroom door which is where the photographer is standing. This “courtyard” with no roof and access to the bathroom, the door is by the small blue bucket water emergency catch {power failures regular need back up water for toilet}. Rats have been witnessed in this courtyard but not since the weapon of warfare has been put in place!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Top Ten Ways…

P1010362 Number 7. The three little pigs own beech front property!      P1010413 Number 6. This is the biggest baddest wolf on Majuro, also not now on the endangered species list.                P1010415 Number 5. This is how you know it is 6:30pm!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


P1010395 NUMBER 10. It is 10:30 in service and Lynn and another need greater Britney from Oregon are taking a coconut break at the Kingdom Hall steps.P1010417 NUMBER 9. It is January 17 and it is “college football Bowl Week” thanks to the brother in law who has taped them and sent them across the ocean in a bottle (so to speak)P1010422 ---thanks Tom! Also noteworthy is we are so isolated I have been able to not here of the outcome of any of the games!                                                                       Number 8.  It is January 17, 10:30, and the Nfl playoffs are past the wild card games, and you have to subside the fever with coconut football on the Kingdom Hall 100yards (maybe 100 bananas). And we have at least followed these games on the web scores…..GO JETS GO!!!……. to be continued!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Take I90 just past the Airport…

           From our house which is at basically the  center of Majuro, a friend clocked 15mi. to each end of the atoll  give or take a banana or two(probably 10 bananas the bananas are all the 3 inch size). Anyway if you get on the freeway left turn east out of our dirt driveway, drive about three miles towards town, that includes Rairok, Delop, Rita, do not turn off the freeway at three miles or you will be on the airport runway and it also serves as a huge water catch from rain runoff into a holding reservoir for town water system. Speed bumps will allow you to go slow enough to wave at passengers landing, look carefully you may see someone you know through the windows. Incidentally we heve been here long enough to hate speed bumps  and boy oh boy do they shake the “tuna can” if you forget to look for them and hit them at Freeway high speed, maybe all of 33mph!  So far we have’nt lost any parts or passengers but maybe this adds to our flat tire contest, drive on!P1010376 1.This is  on the freeway just at the end of the airport runway. If it’s visible a 3 foot fence separates the runway from the kids playing, maybe racing the plane. Homeland security?!     2.On the interstate 90  runway to the right ocean on the left. The pictured tree is on the ocean edge. On most of the road there is no room for trees just ocean, road , and runway. Just past this portion of the road you there is room on the ocean side for a airplane hanger and the road presently goes between the hanger and the runway so be prepared to stop for crossing airplanes and do not try to follow the airplane to test drag race your tuna can. Homeland security locks the gate anyway behind the plane.     3. Wave hi!  If its M,W, or F its someone from Guam, if T,TH or S it is someone from Hawaii, unles it’s the late flight departing which is the opposite, one a day. That leaves just the mail plane weekly and an occasional local Marshall Island Airline flight to other atolls.P1010379 P1010380